The ARRIBA Program

I will be here in Lima, Peru until April 2008. I am living with a Peruvian Family and Cole - my room mate from Faith Baptist Bible College. The first few months we went through language school as well as different cultural, Bible, and missions classes. Now I am serving in a local church in a suburb of Lima called Manchay. The mission is the great Commission--bringing souls into the universal church of Christ and discipling them in the local church here in Manchay.

Prayer Requests


Monday, December 10, 2007

Go Ye Into Peru and Make Disciples

The Lord is good! The other day I met a man in the street wanting to know what we "did" to his friend Julio—a man that got saved 6 months or so ago that is receiving discipleship and growing. This man wanted to know what happened to Julio. He wanted to have the same change in his life. He has many problems such as drinking, but is open and wanting. We are going to visit him soon to witness to him. The Lord has the power to quench his alcoholic thirst with living water.

I'm not discouraged, but challenged. I want to learn how to work in this culture. The culture is so close nit. We are meeting TONS of kids and teens, but how to get into their hearts, how to get the gospel started, and how to show them the love of Christ. I want to make some real friends down here. Another issue is the gangs—they aren't quite Chicago or NYC style—mostly 13-17 year old boys that don't go to school, don't have a job, some do drugs, most drink, and the main reason to fight is over the soccer games. Some of the guys are really hard, but slowly some appear to be at least enamored by our presence. How to get the ball rolling is my question. We can visit all day long, play soccer till our shins splint, but that's not why we’re here—that is just an ends to a means. Pray that we can continue to build relationships and confidence with these guys.

I have start salvation Bible studies with a kid named Joel. We have had 2 studies already, and have plans for 2 more this week. He is very interested and open. Be in prayer that the Word will defeat his catholic brainwashing, and burrow the truth of the gospel deep into his heart.

Franklin the Watchman – I believe we are at a stand still. He wasn't ready to accept Christ the last Bible study, so I didn't dare push for a decision. We are going to have a Bible study this week over the Rich man and Lazarus. Be in prayer for clear understanding and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

I had a gangster kid try to mooch 16 cents off me yesterday so he could hop a bus to go buy drugs in the neighboring town. He had a pocket full of change to buy his drugs but couldn’t use 16 cents to catch a bus. These guys need a purpose—they need Christ. Be in prayer that we can love and lead these teenagers and kids to Christ, disciple them, and reach their families as well. This is our mandate—to go into Peru and make disciples. In this is our Father glorified.

1 comment:

Scott A. Fulks said...

I know you don't know me. I am a former MK from Peru, my dad used to work with the Arriba program in Peru and now is in the Administration of BMM in Cleveland. I lived in the barrios that you talk about and understand the difficulty it is to share Christ in their lives.
I have been very encouraged to read your blog over the last 5-6 months. I pray that the Lord continues to use you in Peru and that the Lord will open tremendous doors of opportunity for the gospel. Keep being faithful and God will change the heart. Thanks for being an encouragement to me!

Scott A. Fulks