The ARRIBA Program

I will be here in Lima, Peru until April 2008. I am living with a Peruvian Family and Cole - my room mate from Faith Baptist Bible College. The first few months we went through language school as well as different cultural, Bible, and missions classes. Now I am serving in a local church in a suburb of Lima called Manchay. The mission is the great Commission--bringing souls into the universal church of Christ and discipling them in the local church here in Manchay.

Prayer Requests


Saturday, May 5, 2007

My First Week in Peru

My first week of living with a Peruvian Family and going to Language school was amazing. I am learning so much! The more I learn, the more I see I need to learn. It's not just language, it's pronunciation, word choice, thinking, culture, etc. I am still in the fascination stage. Please pray because sometimes, the mind and emotions get tired. One phrase my family keeps telling me--Poco a Poco (Little by little). That is so true--i feel like I am not getting anywhere, but if I have learned so much in just one week, what will I learn in one year? Please continue to pray!


mbbcbc said...

Isn't that what life is about though! Little by little, we learn things about ourselves, about God, and what we are to be doing to please Him. If we had to learn everything all at once, we would get overwhelmed, and give up. But God is patient with us and allows us to learn a little at a time. He sees that we can handle only that much. How great is our God

Marie said...

You are my brother and I so proud of you. I know that God will teach you so much. We are His servants! It is a honor. Keep loving.

Dave Marriott said...


I am praying for you --- that God will really show you if he wants you him!

Sarah Carlson said...

Hey Tito,
I miss you guys so much! Say hi to Amy for me. I am praying for you and I hope that all is going well. I get to go to camp this weekend, I am so excited. Praying for you : )

Unknown said...

You and Amy are in my prayers! Thanks for keeping us all updated through your blog.

Tito said...

Thank you for you prayers. The "The Lord is at work" as Dr. Morris would say. . . Our God is an awesome God. To know Him is to enjoy Him and glorify Him to the utmost!

Jon Bennett said...
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Jon Bennett said...

I'm praying for you buddy! Sweet blog! This thing will be sweet to keep us up to date through out the year. Dude, you are missed, but God has you down there for a great and perfect purpose. Keep learning as much as you can. Don't give up on Spanish man. You are going to learn it so fast. I pray God will continue to give you a heart for learing. 5 more days until Honduras____\____________________--________^---->->_________________--____________/____________________--

Jason Enderle said...

Hey Tito, I know how you feel about learning a new language. It really is more than just learning different words, it truly is learning a different way of thinking. Remeber that you can't do it yourself, but you can do all things through Christ. Remember to continue praying. It is what will get you through when you have nothing left to give. I am thankful for you and will keep you in my prayers. I will definately miss you this Fall, but the Lord knows that it is better for you to be there than for you to be here. I will be praying for you while I am at the Bill Rice Ranch. "Always in every prayer of mine..."

Mr. B said...

Titus, I am praying for you. The Lord is great.

Unknown said...

It is good that you are absorbing so much of a new language, thru your excitement. May the truth of God's Word as He intended it, be even stronger in your heart.

[](free subscription to the daily Proverbs)

Phil Mikkelson said...

Thanks for setting up the blog. I will put the link in the bulletin Sunday. We are praying for you.

My daughter Jenni and her husband just got back from a Missions Trip to Brazil with a great burden for the people and work there.

What year is the VW?? I guess between 1969 and 72.

Cal and Stephanie Larsen are having Summer Youth Activities. Kiley Franklin won the Voice of Democracy essay contest at her school and read her work at the Memorial Day program.

We are receiving our June Project Blessing offering for you.

Pastor Mikkelson

Anonymous said...

I miss you and Amy so much! I am praying for you often and looking forward to hearing more updates on your trip. Keep me posted with things I can be praying for!

Today I was looking at some pictures from this past year. You, Amy, Jon, and I have made so many wonderful memories. I miss hearing both you and Amy laugh. Remember the time when we were at dinner and Amy drank the water that I stuck my hand into to wash off the ketchup?!!! Haha!!! Fun times! Talk to you soon. Stay in touch. Tell Amy I say "hello."


Jon Bennett said...

Hey Titus, I'm still praying for you. We said to keep it short so I will. I believe God wants me in Honduras. I'm here right now and I'm praying He'll make it more obvious as I shadow Matt Goins for a week. Love you buddy. Praying for you every day. Maybe He'll call you to Honduras. : )


Anonymous said...


Praying for you and Amy. Keep going, as the Lord blesses faithfulness.

Sam Garland said...

Hey Titus,
Teen Time is no more in the summer but we still have youth activities. Dominoique, andre, and warren are leavin in aug, or sep. nothin much new with me, my grandpa from texas died in may 3 months after my grandma(my moms parents). In kids club 5 people got saved last week, and it is a blessing to see how God truly works in the lives of others and in yourself. I will be praying for you and Amy, and I miss you both!!!
Sam Garland