The ARRIBA Program

I will be here in Lima, Peru until April 2008. I am living with a Peruvian Family and Cole - my room mate from Faith Baptist Bible College. The first few months we went through language school as well as different cultural, Bible, and missions classes. Now I am serving in a local church in a suburb of Lima called Manchay. The mission is the great Commission--bringing souls into the universal church of Christ and discipling them in the local church here in Manchay.

Prayer Requests


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just Me and the Holy Spirit

In my last update I seemed a little discouraged because of lack of direction. I believe at times the Lord permits us to be overwhelmed or confused just enough to remind us that we cannot do anything without him. My roommate Cole left for the States to visit family for a week and a half, which left me to do the all the visiting, bible studies, etc. solo. It was a challenge, but the Lord proved faithful once again. I believe He gave more opportunities to witness and minister than any other week. It was just me and the Holy Spirit.

To begin, little Franklin—a 10 year old boy in my Sunday school class, not the 26 year old watchman. Once when I was teaching the gospel to the kids, Franklin and many others gave Catholic answers for salvation. This inspired me to begin working with him. I visited him several times, giving bits and pieces of the gospel each time in between soccer games in the street and playing trompo (similar to a top, but with rope). Finally, last Tuesday the Holy Spirit illuminated his mind and heart, and he prayed asking Christ to save him. Since then, we have met at the church several times with several other neighbor kids to play UNO, and then have a salvation Bible study afterwards. This is his favorite part.

Also, Antony, the kid in the gang called The Block, who asked me for some change to ride to the neighboring town to get drugs. . . The Lord opened the door, and I got to give him the gospel in a restaurant the other day. Visiting with him yesterday, we made plans for a Bible study on Monday.

Edghis—that’s a new name for me. I was climbing one mini-mountain to get down into the neighboring part of town to make some visits. I ended up playing soccer with several kids on top. Our soccer court was the 20’ wide path in-between 2 houses, and the goals were a door way of one house, and 2 big rocks the other. We took turns chasing the ball down the mountain. Man they can fly down those hills! After our game, I got to share the gospel with 4 boys and 2 teenagers. I have been able to visit Edghis—the most interested—several times recently. One visit I got to help this 14 year old haul big water barrels up the mountain to his house since there is no running water. Some parts were so steep, a rope would have been great, almost necessary. From his house, you can see all of Manchay—my mission field. He keeps asking questions like “What happens after death? Is there life after death? The end of the world? Are you afraid / prepared for death? Etc. We are starting Bible studies soon.

Joel—today we finished a 5 series study on Salvation. The kid really understands the concept of salvation by grace and the gift of salvation, and not works. I posted this post this morning, and now tonight i am having to change it because Joel prayed and asked Christ to be his Saviour today. Praise God. Another name written down in glory. We start discipleship studies Wednesday.

Special Kids Club—we spent one afternoon inviting all the kids in Manchay for a special Kids Club. We ended up having well over 1000 kids plus many of their families. How awesome it was to hear my named yelled out by hundreds of kids that I have met and played with before. I have never personally experienced a multitude this big of unsaved people gathered together under the leadership of Christians. I ran a few blocks over to buy more candies and could hear the kids as they sang Christian songs and recited the verses we taught them. The sound was soul stirring and breath taking! The gospel was taught and acted out for this massive crowd. They have heard the gospel, and know where the church is located. Praise God for the opportunity and experience. We have no idea how many might have accepted Christ. Pray that we will get to see some fruit from this kids club.

These are the highlights of the last 2 weeks. There have been some trials and attacks, but as you can see, the Lord has proven victorious. Thank you for partnering with me in the great commission here in Peru.

Prayer Requests:
- Franklin to grow (Starting of Discipleship)
- Joel to grow (Starting of Discipleship)
- Antony to be open and broken and get saved
- Edghis to get saved
- All the kids and adults at the Giant Kids Club


Scott & Juli Fulks said...

Great post! I will continue praying for more opportunities to share the gospel!

Anonymous said...

Tito-I've been praying for you a lot lately. It's so encouraging to hear how God has been using you in great ways in Peru. Stay faithful to Him for He is ever faithful to us (Heb.13:5).

Love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Tito- I'm praying for you! Stay faithful! The Lord will perfect that which concerns you" and all that He has called you to right now!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

God is so good. He is using you to bring glory to Himself- Amazing!! Praying for you.

His servant,
Heather Riley